
Don't buy a pig in a poke

Before you consider buying a pig, it is important to know that there are many myths and misconceptions about Miniature Vietnamese Pot Belly Pigs. The myth that most people are told is that miniature pigs grow up to only weigh about fifty pounds. This is not true. It takes pigs around four to five years to completely grow. During the first couple of years, the pig will weigh around fifty pounds. Once the pig starts to gain more and more weight, many owners decide they don't want it anymore because it is too big. It is important to know that the expected weight of a pig is around one hundred to one hundred and fifty pounds. It is important to know the true nature of a pig before you purchase it. So before you buy a pig, know that it will not stay small forever. For more information about pigs weights, preview a video by Best Friends Animal Society

Buying a little porker

After you have made the decision that a pig is right for you, it is important that you search for a good breeder. You do not want to buy a pig from just anyone because they might tell you things about the pig that are not true. This might include telling you that it is a miniature pig when it really isn't or telling you that the pedigree of the family displays no sign of disease. When looking for pig breeders, it might be beneficial to go to the farm directly. This way, you can see that the pigs are being treated well and being fed properly. Also, visiting the breeder directly can be beneficial in a way that you can see if the pig you are interested in buying is friendly. You do not want to buy a pig that might be a threat to you or anyone in your household. A list of breeders can be found at the Pets4You website. I bought my pig at the MiniLiveStock website. This site shows the piglets for sale and the parents of that piglet. If you want to help save an abandon pigs live, you can always contact your local animal shelter and see if they have any pigs that are up for adoption. Pigs are frequently sent to animal shelters and many of them need loving homes.

One healthy pig

It is thought by many that pigs can eat anything and everything due to them having a similar digestive tract as humans. This is a misconception that can lead to your pig having an early death. Heart disease can arise in overweight pigs that are not being fed properly. It is important to note that pigs are omnivores and cannot produce their own protein. Since the production of protein is not possible, pig feeds contain the proper amount of protein for your piggy. In addition to a high protein diet, pigs should be fed fruits and vegetables daily. Unlike vegetables, you should limit the amount of fruits you feed your pig since fruits have a high sugar content. To purchase proper food and other supplies for your pig, visit Pigs4Ever

A comfy new home

Where you are going to house your pig should be taken into consideration before you buy it. If you are going to have your pig live inside, you have to prepare your house for the arrival of your new pet. Firstly, you should make sure that there is nothing on the floor that your pig can chew on or eat. Depending on how you feel, your house can be baby proofed so the pig cannot get into anything. Baby proofing your house is quite important considering the intelligence and strength of pigs. Once your house is ready for the pigs arrival, you should then create a space for the pig to sleep, eat, and defecate. It is very easy to teach your pig to defecate in a kitty liter so purchasing one is highly recommended. Whether you decide to make a pig pen inside or outside of your home, make sure its sturdy. Pigs are very strong and will escape if their house isn't built to withstand force. 

For owners that decide to keep their piggy outside, there are a few things that should be kept in mind. First of all, build a pen that is large enough for the pig to run around in. In this pen, there should be a local water supply. Pigs need to drink water often. Also, there should be a muddy area that the pig can roll around in. This is important to have since pigs do not have sweat glands and burn easily. The mud protects them from harmful sun rays and from insects like mosquitoes. Mud also helps cool pigs down. The house that is inside of the pen should be build to withstand rain and wind. Make sure the pen is strong. Inside of the pigs house, place a dog bed inside so the pig is comfortable. 

For more information about housing your pet pig, visit Pigs4Ever Housing

That's one smart pig!

Pigs are extremely intelligent and can be taught many different tricks. It is recommended that you start training your pig when you first purchase it. This way, the pig knows what to do for a treat. A great thing about pigs is that you can teach them tricks whether they are young or old. The expression "can't teach an old dog new trick" does not apply to pigs. This is due to the fact that pigs are so intelligent and love food. Since they love food, the easiest way to teach your pig any trick is by feeding it treats. It is recommended that you train your pig with vegetables since vegetables are low calorie snacks.

You would train your pig the same way you do a dog. To get it to sit, you start by showing your pig the snack. After that, you direct it to sit by putting the food right above their head. This way, the pig sits down in an attempt to look at the snack. Each time the pigs sits down, give them the treat and praise them. Laying down should be taught after "sit" since sitting is involved in the laying down command. Once your pig is sitting down, direct their stare to the ground below them. As the pig looks down, slowly start dragging the treat further away from them. This movement allows them to lay down in an attempt to get the food.

These commands are exactly what you would teach a dog and also in the same manner. If you taught your dog or any animal tricks, teach your pig in the same way. They catch on very easily and will do just about anything for a little snack. For a more in depth look on how to train your pig, Click on How to train your pig.  

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